Gardening is often seen as a hobby that brings us closer to nature, yet lurking in many gardens are hidden plastics that undermine this connection. From seed trays to plant labels, plastic has a sneaky way of infiltrating even the greenest of spaces without us realising.
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Bats are essential for maintaining a healthy bio-network, particularly in the UK, where 18 species of bats can be found (17 of which are known to be breeding here). They might have developed a chilling reputation thanks to their portrayal in film and literature but these nocturnal creatures are, in fact, very adorable; but more importantly, they’re a key member of our local ecosystems...
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Growing your own produce is rewarding in more ways than one, but knowing how to preserve your harvest can extend the benefits even further. After all, why spend all that time growing yummy herbs, veggies and fruit, just for it to go bad before you eat it?
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Insect hotels have become a popular garden addition for those who want local wildlife to thrive. Whether you’ve got a large, landscaped yard or a balcony garden - these cosy hideaways provide habitats for various beneficial insects, including bees, butterflies and their prey.
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From saving on your food shopping bill, to avoiding consuming harmful chemicals, there are so many reasons why you should grow your own food if you have the space to do so. But did you know that there are extra benefits to growing certain plants, such as peas and beans?
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If you live in the UK, you’re likely to be familiar with the beloved hedgehog. These mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae are icons of the British countryside (not to mention their famous role in the nostalgia-inducing THINK! road safety advert of the nineties). While they are not classified as endangered, hedgehog populations are declining across Britain, causing concern among conservationists.
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