Big Garden Birdwatch 2021
"What will you spot during the #BigGardenBirdWatch?"
What is the Big Garden Birdwatch?
This weekend, 29th-31st January 2021, marks the 42nd annual Big Garden Birdwatch organised by the conservation charity, RSPB. The nationwide event sees both keen birdwatchers and enthusiastic novices across the UK join what has become the largest garden wildlife citizen science project.
How do you take part in the Big Garden Birdwatch?
Taking part is easy, click here to be taken to the RSPB sign up page. All the information you need is there! It only takes an hour to track all the birds you see in your garden or outdoor space. What a great way to start your weekend!
Getting outside and engaged in nature can be both fun and educational for people of all ages. Especially so for children, with many not being able to participate in the Big School Birdwatch this year. So why not get your children out bird spotting with you. It may even begin the sparks of a future career as a conservationist!
What happens to the data collected from Big Garden Birdwatch?
The RSPB, a conservation charity Wildlife World is proud to have worked with for over 15 years, began collating Birdwatch data in 1979! The numbers are staggering, with over 9 million hours spent by the public watching and counting their garden birds ever since. We've now counted more than 130 million birds in total! All the information we gather provides the RSPB with significantly helpful and valuable insights into UK bird populations.
Thanks to all the citizen scientists taking part in Big Garden Birdwatch in the UK, the RSPB have an increased understanding of the challenges faced by our feathered friends and wildlife in general. The results help them spot problems, such as the decline of song thrushes and house sparrows spotted in gardens. Most importantly, once they know this, the RSPB can take the steps required towards putting things right!
What were the most common birds in the UK last year?
In January 2020, close to 8 million birds were counted by just shy of half a million people! These numbers made it one of the biggest ever Birdwatches in its 40-year history.
The UK top ten birds were as follows;
- House sparrow
- Starling
- Blue tit
- Woodpigeon
- Blackbird
- Goldfinch
- Great tit
- Robin
- Long-tailed tit
- Magpie
The top ten from last year, 2020, has seen little change from 2019, with no change in the top three. For 17 years running the house sparrow took the top spot once again, will this year's Big Garden Birdwatch see any difference?
What do the Big Garden Birdwatch results show?
The RSPB have found the following;
"While house sparrows and starlings may be the UK's most commonly sighted birds, a closer look at Big Garden Birdwatch data shows that numbers have dropped dramatically since the Birdwatch began in 1979. House sparrows are down 53%, while starlings are down 80%. It's a pattern echoed by two more garden favourites, with blackbirds and robins down 46% and 32% respectively.
The reasons behind these declines are complex and continue to be investigated, but fewer green spaces, pollution and a changing climate are just some of the challenges faced by garden birds."
How can you attract more birds to your garden?
We're proud to have supplied and supported the RSPB for over 15 years! Although, we're here to help not just conservation charities but the public as well. Why not purchase some of our lovely products to attract birds to your gardens and outdoor spaces to make your Big Garden Birdwatch even more exciting this year!
No matter which birds make the top ten this year, one thing that won't change is the enjoyment they bring us. You may have a bird feeder or table to see out of your kitchen window that gets regular visits from blue tits. Or it might be that rascally robin that flits around you whilst your gardening, ready to gobble up those worms!
There are many ways to help encourage wild birds to your garden, from putting out bird food and water regularly, to offering nest boxes and roosting pockets for shelter. Please take a look at what we have to offer to help our cherished winged