Bird Baths

An accessible water source in hot and cold weather is vital to a healthy garden environment for wild birds. All bird species need water, and add one or two functional water features, like a birdbath. It will help wild birds and quickly attract more cherished feathered friends.

Birds need water for drinking and bathing. Whilst many people provide food for birds, fewer provide a regular clean water supply. Many seed-eating birds have a dry diet and therefore need to drink more, but water to bathe in is equally important. Bathing and preening are essential parts of feather maintenance; baths help remove dirt, loose feathers and other debris.

A good bird bath has a rough surface so birds can grip it with their claws. Moreover, it is ideal to have shallow sloping sides to approach the water with varying water depths to allow each species to bathe at their preferred depth. The positioning of the bath is also crucial; birds will only use it if they feel safe. Rinsing and refilling the bath daily helps remove the build-up of dirt and droppings. Birdbaths are the fastest and most straightforward way to add water to your garden bird habitat.

Read our guide to bird baths.

Bird Baths
10 results
African Daisy Bird Drinker
Member Price £13.49
Wildlife World Shenstone Bird Bath
Sold Out
Shenstone Theatre Bird Bath and Drinker
£19.99 £47.99
Member Price £17.99
Green Dipper Bird Bath
£14.99 £19.99
Member Price £13.49
Echoes Bird Bath
Echoes Bird Bath
£39.99 £44.99
Member Price £35.99
Coniston Bird Bath
Coniston Bird Bath
£49.99 £54.99
Member Price £44.99
Echoes Bird Bath With Stand
£59.99 £79.98
Member Price £53.99
Sold Out
Cameo Bird Bath With Tall Stem
Member Price £44.99
Fleckstone Bird Bath
Member Price £8.99