Eco Friendly Food Wraps
Our beeswax wraps are handmade made from organic cotton and natural beeswax. Beeswax has antibacterial and anti-viral properties and is therefore ideal for storing food.
We use beeswax from the Asian honeybee, Apis dorsata (or ‘Rock Bee’). The bees are much bigger than European honeybees and they live in the wild, in forests and jungles. Their honeycombs can measure up to 1.5 m. The bees attach them to rocks or the branches of tall trees.
Tribal communities in India still have strong links to the forests. Climbing rocks and trees to collect honey and honeycomb can be extremely dangerous. But this time-honoured tradition also helps to protect the forests. It is a sustainable method that provides income to one of the most disadvantaged groups of people.
More information on the wax collectors can be found here - About Fairly Traded Wax – The Wildlife Community
Contains one of each:
L = 36x29cm
M = 29x23cm
S = 25x18cm
Find out more about Fairly Traded Wax and its producers here.

Read more about Organic Cotton and its producers here.