Field Guide - Garden Birds

£7.19 Membership Price

This fold-out chart, designed to help identify most bird species likely to be found in a British garden throughout the year.

Choose the colour of the bird and its size, and you should be able to put a name to it.  Different forms for males, females and juveniles shown where appropriate to help with identification. The choice of 'top 50' is based on the relative abundance of species recorded in the UK by the BTO Garden Bird Watch survey, and should make garden birds identification quick and painless!

This British Garden Birds identification chart is part of the FSC's range of fold-out guides, designed to help users identify a wide range of plants and animals. Each guide is laminated to make it shower-proof and robust for use outdoors. Clear colour illustrations and text by experts in the subject make these valuable resources for all age groups—the definitive guide to keep handy for garden birds identification and information.

Perfect for educating the next generation of naturalists and taking part in the RSPB's Big Garden Bird Watch!