National Nestbox Week
Welcoming Birds to British Gardens
As winter comes towards the end and spring is on the way in the UK, wildlife fans eagerly await the return of vibrant garden visitors. This excitement peaks for us here at The Wildlife Community during National Nestbox Week, an annual event that encourages individuals to provide suitable nesting spaces for the country's diverse bird populations. In this blog, we are going to explore the significance of National Nestbox Week and the birds that grace the gardens of the UK.
National Nestbox Week is observed from February 14th to 21st, beginning on Valentine’s Day which we feel further highlights our love for our birds! Organised by the BTO, Nestbox Week aims to raise awareness about the importance of nesting sites for birds, especially as natural habitats continue to face challenges due to urbanisation and climate change.
The week-long celebration encourages communities to install nest boxes in their gardens, allotments, or local green spaces. These artificial nesting sites provide a safe haven for birds to rear their young, contributing significantly to the conservation of species. As many nesting sites vanish, the provision of nest boxes becomes increasingly vital for the survival and well-being of our feathered friends.
The Importance of Nest Boxes in Urban Landscapes
Urbanisation and human activity has transformed the British landscape, leaving birds with fewer options for suitable nesting sites. National Nestbox Week is an opportunity to help individuals to take a hands-on approach in supporting bird populations. By installing nest boxes, people can help bridge the gap between the declining availability of natural nesting sites and the growing needs of birds.
Nest boxes are versatile and can cater to the specific needs of different bird species. Whether it's the blue tit, the robin, or the blackbird, providing these residents with a safe and comfortable place to raise their chicks contributes to the overall biodiversity and health of local ecosystems.
Garden Birds of the UK
As National Nestbox Week unfolds, it's the perfect time to get to know some of the garden birds that may visit your newly installed nestboxes.

The blue tit, with its vibrant blue and yellow plumage, is a familiar sight in British gardens and on feeders. Known for their agility and curiosity, these small birds are frequent visitors to nest boxes. During spring, their melodious calls fill the air as they tirelessly gather caterpillars and insects to feed their hungry chicks.

The robin, often associated with the festive season, is a year-round presence in UK gardens. Recognisable by its red breast, this bird is known for its friendly and approachable demeanour. Robins are very territorial and may choose a well-placed nest box as a suitable site to rear their brood.
Check out the Simon King Robin Cabin Nester here:

With a striking black head, white cheeks, and yellow belly, the great tit is a bold and charismatic garden visitor. These birds are cavity nesters and readily accept nest boxes to rest in between foraging for insects and seeds to sustain their growing families.

The blackbird, males with their elegant black plumage and distinctive orange-yellow beak, and females boasting more brown tones, is a common sight in gardens and parks across the UK. While they typically build open-cup nests in trees and shrubs, blackbirds may find the shelter of a well-placed nest box appealing for raising their young.
Have a look at our Simon King Blackbird Nester here:

The goldfinch adds a touch of brilliance to British gardens with its bright red face, yellow wing bars, and intricate plumage. Goldfinches may use open-fronted nest boxes to create a cozy environment for their nests.
Getting Involved
Participating in National Nestbox Week is a rewarding and straightforward way to contribute to bird conservation. Here are some steps you can take:
- Choose the Right Nest Box: Select a nest box suitable for the types of birds you hope to attract. Different species have varying preferences regarding box size, entrance hole diameter, and location.
- Install Nest Boxes Properly: Position nest boxes out of direct sunlight and prevailing winds, ensuring they are secure and stable. Mounting boxes at the correct height and orientation increases their attractiveness to potential tenants.
- Provide Nesting Materials: Enhance the appeal of your nest boxes by placing materials such as dry grass, feathers, or pet fur nearby. These materials can assist birds in building sturdy and warm nests. Check out our very own Woolly the Sheep!
- Record Your Observations: Consider becoming a citizen scientist by recording bird activity around your nest boxes. Organisations like the BTO encourage individuals to contribute valuable data that aids in understanding bird populations and behaviours.
- Check out our huge range of nest boxes and bird feeders to attract plenty of feathery friends to your garden!

National Nestbox Week is not just a celebration; it's a call to action. By embracing the spirit of this annual event, individuals can actively contribute to the well-being of the UK's garden birds. As nest boxes become welcoming homes for blue tits, robins, great tits, blackbirds, and goldfinches, the gardens of the nation transform into vibrant ecosystems teeming with avian life.
So, as the days grow longer and the first signs of spring emerge, let National Nestbox Week inspire you to create a haven for our feathered friends. Together, we can become a community of nature nerds, turning our gardens into flourishing sanctuaries for the diverse and enchanting birdlife of the United Kingdom.