Der Wildlife-Community-Blog

What should I wear in the garden in spring?

What should I wear in the garden in spring?

Unlike summer, when we know the weather is more likely to be warm and dry, and winter, when we prepare for the cold, spring and autumn seem to make up their own rules! Spring, in particular, is a season when you might come to expect a seemingly random combination of snow, hail, rain, high winds and sunshine with patches of blissful warmth - all in the space of a week. Well, it wouldn’t be spring without some unpredictability, would it?

Plastic-free Gardening: 5 sustainable swaps to make in 2024

Plastic-free Gardening: 5 sustainable swaps to make in 2024

There are a number of reasons why plastic is so abundant in home gardens, whether it’s in the form of plant pots, gardening tools, labels or other items. Plastic costs very little to produce making it affordable for home gardeners. However, it’s really crucial to know that according to, 79% of all plastic waste that has ever been produced is sitting in landfills or in the natural environment somewhere. 
Love is in the Air...

Love is in the Air...

Valentine's Day is a tradition celebrated by people all around the world, but did you know that love is also abundant in the avian world? Birds, with their vibrant feathers, complex courtship rituals, and some with lifelong devotion to their mates, offer us a peek into the wonders of nature's ‘romantic’ side. As we exchange chocolates and flowers with our loved ones, let's take a moment to appreciate the remarkable ways in which birds express their affection and form lasting bonds.

National Nestbox Week 2024

National Nestbox Week 2024

As winter comes towards the end and spring is on the way in the UK, wildlife fans eagerly await the return of vibrant garden visitors. This excitement peaks for us here at The Wildlife Community during National Nestbox Week, an annual event that encourages individuals to provide suitable nesting spaces for the country's diverse bird populations. In this blog, we are going to explore the significance of National Nestbox Week and the birds that grace the gardens of the UK.
Big Garden Birdwatch 2024

Big Garden Birdwatch 2024

It’s finally here, the moment that bird lovers up and down the UK have waited a year for! The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch returns this weekend!
UK Breaking Climate News

UK Breaking Climate News

While temperatures may have reached their lowest in the UK over the last week since 2019, with some parts of the country dropping to below -14 degrees centigrade, unfortunately the cold dip doesn’t give us the full story.
Helping your Garden Birds through the Winter

Helping your Garden Birds through the Winter

We seem to have hit another cold snap across the UK, so we thought we would explore some of the easy ways you can help your garden birds through the chilliest months of the year.
What's Happening at The Wildlife Community?

What's Happening at The Wildlife Community?

Are you a nature focused community group? Are you working to engage your local community with the green spaces around you? Are you encouraging people in your area to reconnect with the species they share their gardens with? Then we want to speak to you!

World Migratory Bird Day 2023

World Migratory Bird Day 2023

The eagle eyed amongst you might have noticed that World Migratory Bird Day has already been celebrated this year, so why are we going on about it again?

Well in fact, it’s celebrated twice during the year. Once when we welcome our Spring migrant species who come to our shores to breed, and again when we wave them goodbye and swap them for Arctic visitors who settle here for the winter period.

State of Nature 2023

State of Nature 2023

The felling of an iconic tree and a stark report letting us know how nature is crumbling at our hands. It’s safe to say that for nature lovers around the country, the events of last week certainly felt turbulent.  
World Wellbeing Week...

Weltwoche des Wohlbefindens...

Sie haben vielleicht gehört, dass diese Woche die Weltwoche des Wohlbefindens ist. Dies findet jedes Jahr in der letzten Juniwoche statt und ist eine Gelegenheit, die Bedeutung des Bewusstseins für unsere eigene psychische Gesundheit und unser Wohlbefinden hervorzuheben ...
30 Days Wild in June!

30 Tage wild im Juni!

Können Sie glauben, dass wir bereits Mitte Juni haben? Das bedeutet, dass wir die Hälfte der 30-Tage-Wild-Challenge des Wildlife Trust hinter uns haben! Unser gesamtes Team im Hauptquartier der Wildlife Community hat teilgenommen, aber wir möchten Ihnen einige wilde Möglichkeiten vorstellen, um Sie zu inspirieren, sich in der zweiten Monatshälfte zu engagieren! Ob Sie ein Natur-Nerd oder ein Natur-Neuling sind, spielt keine Rolle. Was zählt, ist, dass du rausgehst und die schöne Welt um dich herum wahrnimmst ...

62 Ergebnisse